No more fiddling, no more vibration, no more losing camera's focus! Once you have all the set – it really performs flawlessly! A big plus is the communication from VALOI. Good customer care is really important. Together with the manuals on gear and technique you get a full package to take the next step in film scanning. My flatbed and dedicated film scanners are packed in boxes after I started using VALOI.
Marijus, Lithuania
Floris, Netherlands
You've managed to release a platform-based product that successfully competes in a quickly-growing landscape of film scanning solutions. Out of all the options available, yours seems to be the best value for money.
Kyle McDougall has made a video comparing film scanning with a Nikon Coolscan 9000 and a very average camera scanning setup - and has found that camera scanning makes more sense for his workflow. Check out his video above!
I supported this product on Kickstarter and received the 35mm and 120 holders. I have been using them with a simple light box and my iPhone to rediscover lots of old family negatives and slides. It really makes things simple and doesn’t damage the film. The output is perfect to tweak in your photo app of choice and good enough quality to share online.
Simon, UK
Dave, UK
VALOI scanning products are made to a high quality and allow for excellent results at a reasonable cost. I've been especially impressed by the film flatness afforded by the 35mm and 120 film holders, and the user experience of the Advancer.
Learn more about the VALOI 360 system and hear what The Naked Photographer has to say about it.
VALOI offers a great alternative to much more expensive desktop scanning options.
Jakob, Germany
I am coming from using a 3D printed film holder that was “just ok” and it suffered from irregular lighting on the edges of the film plus a ton of dust. I also learned that my setup was nowhere near level when I started using the VALOI. [...] The tips about camera scanning in all the various guides are a big boost to my scan quality too.

Picture by VALOI User Gaillard Mathieu
VALOI holders took all the fuss and confusion out of scanning my negatives. Using a digital camera and lens I already owned, scanning an entire roll of film with VALOI took just minutes, and the resulting RAW files go right into my existing image processing workflow. I did not need to bother with scanners, operating system drivers and scanner software, outdated serial connections, or conversion between image formats -- a source of immense confusion that put me off scanning prior to discovering VALOI. The VALOI film holders are constructed to a very high level of fit and finish. I was frankly expecting an obviously 3D printed object, and instead received a professional quality product. I initially purchased the 35mm and 120 film holders. Based on my experience so far I will be back to add more capability to my scanning setup
Terry, USA
Adam, USA

We camera scan tens of thousands of images every year and we're always looking for the best equipment that enables us to get great results and high productivity. I've been tracking the development of the VALOI product line for a while and was eager to test it out in our studio. I'm impressed with the quality and precision of the film holders. The consistent placement of the film is speeding up our workflow because our scans require less post-processing.
It is a simple, well engineered, easy to use and sturdy system. The answer to many of my prayers!
Joaquim, Spain
Dario, Austria
I have been scanning with a flatbed Canon scanner before scanning with my camera and the VALOI holder. I have to say that scanning with your film holder makes the whole process so much easier and faster. [...] Overall super happy, thank you for what you are doing for the community!